Application Form

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Primary Applicant

Family / Friend / P.O.A Support

More Information

We are interested in considering your application for future residency in the Hyde Park View Personal Care Home. To assist us in this process, we would like some information regarding your situation.

We would like to thank you for considering Hyde Park View Personal Care Home as a potential future residence. We will contact you within two business days regarding your application.

Prior to admission, we will need to complete a further assessment of your needs to ensure we can adequately and safely manage your care. In this process, we may need to contact CPAS, Saskatoon Health Region as this office has the authority to provide client assessments for community services, Personal Care Homes, and provides access to Long-Term Care planning options. Our focus is to serve your needs well, and we wish to take most care in planning for your transition into our facility.

All information will be held in confidence as per our policy. With the completion of this application and your signature(s) or alternative representative(s), you and/or an alternate representative agree and understand the above process and only necessary information will be obtained.
